Acne Treatment - Natural Home Remedies for Acne

Doctors think acne results from several factors, although the exact cause of it is unknown. Increasing male sex hormones ( androgens ) are the main factor of acne. It increases in girls and boys during puberty and causes the sebaceous gland to secrete more sebum. Starting or stopping of birth control pills and pregnancy hormonal changes may cause acne in ladies.

New studies believe that the development tendency of acne may be inherited from parents. There are other acne factors such as tension, stress, environmental factors ( dirt, pollution and grease ) and cosmetics which make the cells stick together by altering them of the follicles and giving rise to plug pores.

Does acne cause scar?

Cystic acne and other forms of acne can cause scars in some people. You may help reduce scarring by avoiding scrubbing your skin and not squeezing blemishes. If you do get acne scars, treatment is available.

How to treat your acne?

Acne is treated by dermatologists ( skin specialists ). The goal is to minimize the emotional pressure, prevent scarring, prevent erupting of the new lesions and cure existing lesions. Medications are used to reduce problems, which play a part in causing acne:

1- Inflammation

2- Bacteria

3- Increased oil production

4- Abnormal clumping of the cells in follicles

Depending on the problem extent as well as the acne type, the doctor recommends some OTC ( over the counter ) medications and prescription medicines. Some may be oral and others may be topical.

Examples of home remedies for acne scars:

1- Methi paste ( fenugreek ) leaves applied on your skin overnight and washed off next day controls the problem

2- Drinking water can flush out your body toxin. It is imparting a healthy glow to your skin tissue.

3- Rub the pimples with a fresh garlic clove

4- Grated cucumber pieces to be applied on your skin

5- Dried orange peel pounded with water. Apply it to your affected areas like a mask.

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